As our team pulled into the village, the heavy expressions of women and children stared hopelessly back. A violent attack from a known terrorist group spared no men, young or old. Only a few youth managed to escape. Overwhelmed by the heartbreak, we knew we were exactly where God called us to serve.

We quickly began unloading food and relief materials, making sure to distribute to all people. "You came just in time!" one woman exclaimed. "I only had enough grain to feed my children and me for today. I didn't know how we would survive."

Later that week, four Muslim men approached the team and said something I'll never forget.

"We are astonished.
Never has relief been provided to Christians and Muslims alike, and without favoritism. Who is this God you serve?"


The team shared the message of the Gospel, and all four men confessed Jesus Christ as Lord. While physical needs were met that day, God used our relief efforts to impact countless lives with the Gospel and change eternity for four Muslim men.

John* and his team provided food and supplies for four villages to last six months. Their love and compassion for all people continues to touch the lives of many.

*For security purposes, the name and picture of the leader have been changed.